Not sure where to start?  Click any of the buttons below for sample posts you can share on social media!

 Sample Facebook Posts - red.png           Sample Instagram Posts - red.png          Sample Twitter Posts - red.png
Here are some other things to consider:
  • Most supporters donate to a fundraising page after they’ve BEEN ASKED 3 SEPARATE times. Don’t be afraid to communicate via email, text, electronic newsletter, Facebook, etc and ask for donations more than once.
  • Consider making the first donation to your pageShow your supporters that you're committed to the organization, the mission and your personal goal.
  • Send emails. Sending out an email when you are at 50% of your goal is super motivating and allows everyone to see how their donations are impacting your cause.
  • Encourage others to join your team and work together to exceed your goal.
  • Tell a personal story about and why raising money for scholarships means so much to you.
  • Make a video introducing your supporter to the Waypoint mission
    Tell others why they should support you!  Make sure the call to action – “click the donate button” - is clear.
  • Set a deadline or time frame for donations.  It’s generally easier to raise money with a deadline.  It gives a sense of urgency.  Of course, you can always make exceptions to the rule if a donor misses the deadline as we never want to turn away a donation.
  • Say thank you. When you get a donation to your page, you will receive a donation alert.  We have a special thank you email within your participant center for you to thank your donors.  This motivates them to give again and makes them feel as though they are making a difference.

  • SHARE your page with friends and family and ask your supporters to share it as well.

  • Consider a personalized, hand-written note to send each donor at the end of your campaign.